LAST MONTH was really crazy… not me ….. those scrapbooking stores here!! Paper Market and Made With Love had 45% off scrapbooking stuff!!!! 45%!! @.@
My scrapbooking friends & I found ourselves A LOT POORER, BuT with lots of NEW stash!! KEKE! I duuno whether to be happy or sad…also my VPOST was open and I had 22 packages delivered! GASP!… only about half of these were mine… but still… I'm quite ashamed of myself, did let myself go a bit there… sighs! Joann, Scrap-Mart, Cropstop, Scrapbooking Warehouse, ODBD… all had incredible discounts!! Yes, it was pretty crazy…..
After all the flurry of shopping and shopping… It was time to settle in with all my newly bought stash and START scrapping… I had always wanted to do one of these photo trays (usu price $39.90!) and with the discounts I was happy to finally gRaB one of these!
I wanted to do a scrap-craft of 2010. Last year, at this time of the year, all my 3 kids were sitting for major exams in their academic journey. It was a time of leaning on the Lord and trusting Him to lead my children in the paths that they might take. As a mom, there were many anxious moments. But then, I'd take these moments as opportunities to draw close to the Lord and tell Him all my fears and worries…. Indeed He is FAithFul! I'm grateful for good results for my kiddo, undeserving of His grace and mercy.
Papers & embellishments are from the K& Company- Blossomwood stack (so love this stack!)
The "love" canvas ribbon was handstamped by Flo! (so pretty!). I thought that Love and Faith were what's needed to bind Family together.

My scrapbooking friends & I found ourselves A LOT POORER, BuT with lots of NEW stash!! KEKE! I duuno whether to be happy or sad…also my VPOST was open and I had 22 packages delivered! GASP!… only about half of these were mine… but still… I'm quite ashamed of myself, did let myself go a bit there… sighs! Joann, Scrap-Mart, Cropstop, Scrapbooking Warehouse, ODBD… all had incredible discounts!! Yes, it was pretty crazy…..
After all the flurry of shopping and shopping… It was time to settle in with all my newly bought stash and START scrapping… I had always wanted to do one of these photo trays (usu price $39.90!) and with the discounts I was happy to finally gRaB one of these!
I wanted to do a scrap-craft of 2010. Last year, at this time of the year, all my 3 kids were sitting for major exams in their academic journey. It was a time of leaning on the Lord and trusting Him to lead my children in the paths that they might take. As a mom, there were many anxious moments. But then, I'd take these moments as opportunities to draw close to the Lord and tell Him all my fears and worries…. Indeed He is FAithFul! I'm grateful for good results for my kiddo, undeserving of His grace and mercy.
Papers & embellishments are from the K& Company- Blossomwood stack (so love this stack!)
The "love" canvas ribbon was handstamped by Flo! (so pretty!). I thought that Love and Faith were what's needed to bind Family together.